WWE NXT Results (9/26/23)

Global Heritage Invitational Finals: Butch vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus

The Meta-Four are in the Meta-Lounge to watch the match. Coffey tries a cheap shot. Butch ducks and slaps Coffey. Neither man can get the advantage after several lockups. Butch takes Coffey down and stomps on his arm. Coffey takes Butch down and works his arm. Butch drives Coffey into the corner. Coffey decks Butch. Coffey works over Butch. Butch tries a clothesline. Coffey runs through and and shoulder blocks Butch. Butch takes Coffey down and drops a knee on Coffey’s elbow. Butch stomps on Coffey’s elbow. Coffey retreats to the corner. Butch lands a double stomp on Coffey’s arm.

Mark Coffey distracts the referee while Wolfgang attacks Butch. Coffey tries a double-jump crossbody, but Butch blasts him out of the air with a nasty right hand. Butch takes out Mark Coffey and Wolfgang with a triangle moonsault. The Gallus boys hop up on the apron. The referee tosses Mark and Wolfgang. After the break, Butch lands the 10+ beats of the Bohdren. Butch goes after Coffey’s injured hand. Coffey decks Butch. Butch counters an apron powerbomb into a DDT on the apron. Pop up right hand by Coffey. Coffey struggles but ends up landing a German suplex. Glasgow sendoff by Coffey. Butch doesn’t go down.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/19/23)

Enziguri by Butch. Coffey spins and lands All the Best for the Bells. Both men are down. Coffey crawls towards a pin. Butch traps him in an armbar. Coffey turns it into a powerbomb. Coffey lands another send off and ATBFTBs. Butch kicks out. Coffey sends Butch out of the ring. Butch avoids another send off, which sends Coffey crashing into the ring steps head first. Butch sends Coffey back into the ring and hits the Bitter End for the win.

Winner- Butch

Backstage, Dominik Mysterio finds out that there will be a triple threat to determine a challenger for him at No Mercy.

The NXT Tag Team Champions, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks, are waiting for the rest of the tag teams at a fancy restaurant. They are going to decide who will face them at No Mercy. Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo arrive first and tell the tag champs they are interested in food; they want the title shot.

Backstage, Blair Davenport says Gigi Dolan can’t match her brutality.

Trick Williams vs. Joe Gacy w/Ava

Williams leapfrogs over Gacy and lands a body slam. Gacy blocks a hip toss and lands a DDT. Gacy works over Williams. Williams fires up and lands a leg lariat. Gacy tries the Upside Down, but Williams counters with a running knee for the win.

Winner- Trick Williams

After the match, Williams is asked who he thinks will walk away with the NXT Championship at No Mercy. Williams notes that he just had his best win ever, and they are asking him about another man. Williams says it will always be Trick Melo Gang, so he would be a fool to bet against HIM. The crowd cheers. Williams pauses and says Melo has his title… maybe it’s time for him to get his.

Backstage, Andre Chase and Duke Hudson see Thea Hail’s new look. Jacy Jayne is proud. Chase and Hudson are shocked by Hail’s short skirt and leather.

Baron Corbin vs. Josh Briggs w/Jensen and Fallon Henley

Corbin drives Briggs into the corner. Corbin slaps Briggs. Briggs fires up and unloads on Corbin, sending him over the top. Briggs sends Corbin into the barricade. Back in the ring, Corbin runs into a big boot by Briggs. Modified uranage by Corbin. Briggs kicks out. Corbin works over Briggs. Corbin cheap shots Briggs while the referee is distracted. End of Days by Corbin. Corbin pins Briggs.

Winner- Baron Corbin

After the match, Corbin grabs a mic and says he’s going to do to Bron Breakker what he did to Briggs tonight. Breakker power walks to the ring and attacks Corbin. Security hits the ring and tries to separate both men. Referees join in and eventually separate them.

OTM (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price) w/Scrypts vs. Hank and Tank

After. a distraction from Scrypts, Price and Nima hit an assisted spinbuster for the win.

Winners- OTM

Backstage, Dolan is getting ready for her match. The lights go out and come back on. Davenport is standing over Dolan.

At the restaurant, The Creed Brothers arrive and make bad jokes.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Strap Match: Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak

Dijak rolls out of the ring and tries to pull Thorpe through the ropes. Thorpe lands a dive. Thrope works over Dijak. Dijak whips Thorpe with the strap. Dijak sends Thorpe flying out of the ring using the strap. After the break, Dijak lands High Justice for a near fall. Dijak chokes Thorpe with the strap., Thorpe’s family is in the crowd cheering him on. Dijak grabs Thorpe by his throat. Thorpe grabs Dijak, and they both tumble over the top rope.

Dijak doesn’t let go of Thorpe’s throat. Dijak chokeslams Thorpe on the apron. Thorpe crawls toward the barricade near his family. Dijak whips Thorpe with the strap in front of his family. Dijak pulls off his white belt, which he used to desecrate Thorpe’s native land. Thorpe dodges Dijak’s loaded punch and whips him with the strap. Thorpe wraps the strap around his elbow. Diving elbow drop by Thorpe. Thorpe pins Dijak.

Winner- Eddy Thorpe

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (9/19/23)

After the match, Dijak attacks Thorpe and hits Feast Your Eyes. Dijak traps Thorpe in a tree of woe and whips him with the white belt. Thorpe’s family screams at Dijak as he wears Thorpe out. Referees run down to pull Dijak away.

Dani Palmer vs. Thea Hail w/ Jacy Jayne

Before the match starts, Blair Davenport rushes the commentary desk and takes Vic’s headset. Davenport announces that she has more where that came from for Dolan. Hail comes to the ring with new music and new all-black ring gear. Palmer does a headstand to avoid Hail and locks in a headlock after a cartwheel.

Hail and Palmer trade submission attempts. Palmer sends Hail flying with a rana. Hail responds with one of her own. Palmer lands a dropkick but misses a splash in the corner. Exploder suplex by Hail. Palmer kicks out. Palmer misses a dive but lands on her feet. Hail traps Palmer in the Kimura. Palmer taps out.

Winner- Thea Hail

Backstage, Williams tries to talk to Hayes about his potential title opportunity. Hayes is distracted by his phone. Hayes tells Williams he has to focus on his contract signing tonight. Williams agrees and notes he has stuff to focus on now, too and walks away. Hayes realizes he messed up but doesn’t go after Williams.

NXT North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Dragon Lee vs. Trick Williams vs. Tyler Bate vs. Axiom

As soon as the bell rings, Bate and Axiom superkick Williams. Williams falls out of the ring. Williams starts to stir. Bate takes him out with a dive. Aviom and Lee trade shots in the ring. Axio and Lee both land dives. Lee sets up the Dragon Bomb. Williams turns it into a Boston crab. Bate traps Lee in a crossface. Axiom hops on Williams’ back and locks in a sleeper. Bate breaks up the Sleeper with a clubbing blow to Axiom.

Williams destroys Bate with a big boot. Double flapjack on Axiom and Bate by Williams. After the break, Axiom drops Bate on his head with a half nelson suplex. Everyone brawls. Williams lands a double Rock Bottom on Bate and Axiom. Bate surprises Williams with a DDT. Bates airplane spins Lee while big swinging Axiom. Williams send Bate into the ropes.

Bate bounces off and lands a rebound lariat. Bate pins Williams. Axiom breaks up Bate’s pin with a stomp, then leaps off Bate’s back and hits a Canadian Destroyer on Lee. Everyone lands a big move. Axiom lands an avalanche Spanish fly on Lee. Lee kicks out and immediately hit the Destino. Williams breaks up the pin. Lee headbutts Williams. Who clocks heads with Bate, knocking him off the apron. Williams bounces off the ropes and lands on top of Axiom for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Trick Williams!

Backstage, Williams finds Hayes on his way to the ring. Hayes and Williams dap each other up. Hayes says they are both leaving NXT No Mercy with gold.

Contract Signing

Hayes says with everything that happened last week, there is nothing left to say. They should just sign the contract now. Dragunov says Hayes tends to be the wrong person at the wrong time all of the time. Dragunov says Hayes isn’t the right person for the NXT Championship. Hayes says he didn’t call the play that ended with Dragunov getting hit with the title belt. Hayes promises to beat Dragunov at the PLE. Dragunov promises unbearable pain for Hayes.

Hayes says Dragunov believes his own hype. Dragunov asks Hayes what he will do when he shoots his best shot at him and misses. Hayes says he isn’t the people Dragunov has beaten before. He isn’t Mensah or Trick. Hayes stops himself before he finishes his sentence. Hayes says he’ll show Dragunov at No Mercy. Dragunov says he’s done with letting destiny slip between his fingers. Dragunov promises to end Hayes’ dynasty. Hayes says the championship is bigger than both of them. Hayes says Dragunov is capable of being champion but isn’t better than him.

Vic announces Dragon Lee will be the referee for the North American Championship Match at NXT No Mercy.

In the parking lot, Breakker and Corbin fight. Breakker tries to spear Corbin. Corbin side steps, and Breakker goes through a car door. Corbin slams Breakker on the roof of a car. Breakker sits up and attacks Corbin again. Corbin escapes into the arena. Breakker follows. Corbin and Breakker crash through a wall and end up in HBK’s office. Referees and officials swarm to try to separate both men.

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