How Much Does Dog Salivary Gland Surgery Cost?

Understanding Salivary Gland Surgery for Dogs

If your furry friend needs salivary gland surgery, it’s natural to wonder how much it will cost. Salivary gland surgery is a complex procedure that requires expertise and careful attention to detail. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your dog receives the best medical care possible. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about dog salivary gland surgery, including the cost, common procedures used, and expected recovery times.

The Cost of Dog Salivary Gland Surgery

Dog salivary gland surgery costs can vary significantly depending on the procedure, the severity of the condition, and the location of the veterinary hospital. On average, you can expect to pay at least $2,000 for salivary gland surgery. However, in complex cases, the cost can exceed $4,000. The cost covers the anesthesia, pre-operative bloodwork, hospitalization, surgical procedure, and post-operative checkups.

Common Procedures Used in Dog Salivary Gland Surgery

There are two primary methods used when it comes to salivary gland surgery in dogs. The first method involves removing the whole gland surgically (sialoadenectomy). The vet can decide to excise the gland entirely if it contains a tumor or if other medical conditions like stones or inflammation are affecting the gland. The second method involves removing the affected area of the gland which is known as a partial gland tumor. Although recovering from these procedures may vary from animal to animal, most dogs show significant improvement within a short period.

Expected Recovery Times for Dog Salivary Gland Surgery

The recovery time for your dog after salivary gland surgery will depend on the specific procedure used and your pet’s overall health. After surgery, your dog will need to stay at the veterinary hospital for a couple of days for your vet to monitor them during the recovery period. Your pet will get pain relief medication to keep them comfortable during the length of time as well. On average, the entire recovery process after salivary gland surgery takes around two weeks, and in some cases up to a month. As a pet owner, it’s important to follow the veterinarians’ instructions for the recovery period to help your dog recuperate as quickly as possible.


What causes salivary gland problems in dogs?

Salivary gland problems in dogs can arise from various conditions such as infection, tumors, auto-immune diseases, or trauma. Dental disease can also lead to salivary gland infections.

What Are the Symptoms of Salivary Gland Problems?

The symptoms of salivary gland problems can include swelling, discomfort in the mouth, discharge, or drooling. Swelling can help with diagnosing which gland needs to be addressed through surgical methods. Dogs can also show signs of pain when eating or yawning.

How can I tell if my dog needs salivary gland surgery?

If your dog shows symptoms like swelling, discomfort, or discharge, take them to a veterinary clinic for assessment. Your vet may suggest blood tests, x-rays, An MRI or CT-Scan to analyze the situation. If surgery is required for the dog’s well-being, the vet will give you all the information regarding the procedure to help you make an informed decision.

How long does the surgery take?

The length of time that the surgery takes will depend on the specific procedure used, the extent of the surgery, and your dog’s overall health. It can take anywhere from one to three hours for the procedure to be carried out.

Do dogs need to fast before surgery?

Yes, before the surgery, dogs should fast after 8 pm the night before the surgery to avoid complications.

Is it common for dogs to have salivary gland problems?

No, it’s rare for dogs to suffer from salivary gland problems. However, when it happens, it can have severe consequences on their health, and the surgery can be quite delicate.

Is dog salivary gland surgery safe?

Yes, dog salivary gland surgery is a safe procedure, but it comes with inherent risks, like any other surgical procedure. These risks include infection, scarring, or nerve damage.

Can salivary gland issues reoccur after the surgery?

Yes, salivary gland issues can potentially reoccur even after surgery, depending on the underlying condition that caused the problem.

Can dog salivary gland tumors be cancerous?

Yes, dog salivary gland tumors can be cancerous, but only about 50% of them have the potential to be cancerous. Your vet can analyze the necessary tests to determine if the tumor is malignant or not.

Will my dog require medication after surgery?

Yes, your dog will require medication for pain relief and antibiotics to prevent infections following the surgery.

When can I take my dog home after surgery?

You can take your dog home as soon as your veterinarian discharges them after surgery. However, the exact time will depend on the procedure and how your dog responds to the procedure and anesthesia.

What can I do to help my dog recover after the surgery?

You can help your dog recover by following the veterinarian’s recommendations for care after surgery. This can include giving your dog medication as prescribed, providing care and support needed like oral hygiene care, monitoring closely, and following through with checkup appointments.

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